The Texan Gamer has gone MAD! Free video card WHAT?!!? Thats right! If we can get The Texan Gamer facebook page up to 200 likes and Peace Love and Rockets LAN Party facebook page up to 60 likes, we will post a form in which you can fill out and qualify for the chance to win a EVGA GTX 560! How cool is that?!?!
The Texan Gamer has also gone LAN party CRAZY! This Saturday join us on our LAN Party Extravaganza when we attend the NGC LAN Party in Greenville then high tail it back to Richardson to host our own LAN party in Richardson at Shadow LAN! It is sure to be a blast and we would love for everyone to join us.
There are also rumors that LeXXon will be handing out Pre-PLR swag?!?! He has gone off his rocker!
Frag ya later!